A Game Design Methodology
Hello Designers! and welcome to the Deliberate Game Design website. Making games is hard, and there’s a lot of uncertainty in what the best way forward is. Although there are many tips and best practices out there; there are relatively few formal methodologies that will take you step by step from conception to post-launch support. Deliberate Game Design (DGD) aims to be just that.
Originally created as a process to de-risk experimental interactive media, DGD translates particularly well to games, as game development always has Risks associated to them; be them of design, technical or production nature. DGD is a game design methodology that allows game designers to create the best game they can taking into account these risks and all the constraints that come from real world development.
This site explains DGD step by step, so that anyone from beginners to veterans can follow it. The site also contains a collection of game design tools and techniques to help face any chalenge that comes your way. As with games, DGD is in constant iteration and improvement; the more designers use it, the more we refine it together. I’m eager for you to try it out and let me know what you think.
As I said above, the process is always being updated and improved. If you have questions or want to chat with other game designers; join our Discord!